Archive for the ‘Aruba’ Category

Scuba Diving in Aruba, Caribbean

July 12, 2007

Dive Site: Antilla Wreck
Location: Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
Description: WWII German Freighter
Length: 130 metres (427 feet) long, wide open entry and exit locations
Depth: 23 metres (75 feet)
Visibility: 30 metres (100 feet)

Aruba fades into the background as a dive location. The visibility is striking and the water is full of fish, coral and some of the coral creatures. A 15 foot long whale shark that approached the dive boat. All the gear had been put away when this beauty appeared under the boat in 25 ft of water. 3 divers grabbed mask fins and snorkel to our hearts delight. The divemaster hooked on to its tail and managed to succeed with the same feat. When the shark grabbed its tail the fish decided to swim.