Archive for the ‘Dresden’ Category

Scuba Diving in Scapa Flow, Scotland, UK, Europe – SMS Dresden, ton cruiser wreck

July 25, 2007

Dive Site: SMS Dresden

Location: 58°52.98N; 03°18.37W

Description: 5600 ton cruiser

Length: 155 metres (510 feet)

Depth: 15 – 36 metres (49 – 118 feet)

Visibility: 15 metres (50 feet)

In order to traverse the whole wreck, which lies horizontal to the sea bed, it is necessary to move fairly rapidly about the wreckage and dive with a bottom time of nearing 30 minutes. Penetration is possible through a tunnel created by intersecting holes that are not at all demanding to get through. At the time of diving the wreck it was shot towards the middle. Lots of sea life covers the wreck and jellyfish up to 30 cm in diameter may be encountered during decompression.