Archive for the ‘Santeria’ Category

Scuba Diving in Cuba, Caribbean – Yemaya, tunnel and wall, Maria La Gorda, Cuba

July 31, 2007

Dive Site: Yemaya
Location: Maria la Gorda, Cuba
Description: Wall and tunnel
Depth: 30 metres + (100 feet)
Visibility: 30 metres (100 feet)

In the Santeria religion, an African religion practised in Cuba, Yemaya is the Goddess of the sea. The dive starts on a near vertical wall and finishes on the shallow reef that tops the wall at about 12 metres. The boat waits for divers to surface in the shallows where the reef becomes patchier. Within the wall there are deep gouges that make good tunnels for divers to explore. All sorts of obscure sponges line the tunnels and the wall including elephant’s ear, barrel and many other encrusting or bulbous forms. The coral growth is equally diverse with beautiful sea fans, staghorn, black, whip and elkhorn varieties on display. Pelagics can be seen on the wall where there are also tuna and a jacks as well. Leaving the final tunnel there are purple vase sponges with colourful shrimps in them. Away from the wall there are barracuda. Other marine life in the reef include creole wrasse, blennies, gobies, squirrelfish sheltered among the rocks also there are triggerfish and grey angelfish.